Facilities Design Services
Our facilities engineering covers the following disciplines:
- Piping
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Control and Instrumentation
Piping Engineering
We have an experienced Piping team of Engineers and Designers who work as part of a multidiscipline team, single discipline delivery or within client teams always working to up to date piping specifications and codes. Along with the necessary support of our in-house drafting teams and fabrication partners we are able to provide a comprehensive service for clients piping requirements. Our deliverables include:
- Stress analysis
- Technical assurance
- Drafting
Mechanical Engineering
Our mechanical team of comprises a mix of engineers experienced in the design and specification of process static and rotating equipment for meeting our clients’ mechanical requirements. Our mechanical engineering deliverables include:
- Detailed design specifications and data sheets for all long lead static and rotating equipment
- Bid tab analysis for all the long lead static and rotating equipment
- Update of specifications and datasheets for purchase of long lead static and rotating equipment
Electrical Engineering
Our electrical team has experienced engineers and designers who can work on both greenfield and brownfield engineering with the necessary support to offer a satisfactory service to our customers. Our electrical deliverables include:
- Power systems analysis
- Electrical cable calculations
- Switch gear sizing
- UPS sizing
- Lighting calculations
- Producing and drafting single line diagrams and all required electrical drawings
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Carettop has a team of highly skilled control and instrumentation (C&I) engineers with the capability and experience to take a job from conception through commissioning and into operations. The Control & Instrumentation team specialise in providing:
- Hazardous area classification
- Cause and effect (C&E) charts
- General control and instrumentation expertise to projects or operations
- Safety requirement specification (SRS)
- Full engineering and design capabilities